01698 230200 info@dgctraining.co.uk


We hope you are keeping safe during this Corona Virus Pandemic.

I would like to assure you that DGC Training are continuing with Business as Usual for the time being.  We have implemented the following additional measures to keep our staff and trainees safe:

  • Everyone is being asked to wash their hands on arrival at the centre.
  • NHS Scotland Posters: Coronavirus Public Information are displayed throughout the centre advising candidates to wash hands regularly, catch cough/sneeze in a tissue, bin it and wash hands.  Hand sanitizer and tissues available in every training room.
  • Enhanced cleaning routine for work surfaces, door handles, toilets and equipment with more frequent cleans between use.
  • Reduced Class sizes to ensure more distance between trainees.
  • Refreshment breaks are being staggered to avoid congestion in communal areas.
  • We ask that any trainees who have any symptoms of a cough/fever or have recently been in contact with anyone affected by the Corona Virus not to attend for training.  If this is the case we would appreciate as much notice as possible.
  • We are asking companies that our instructors are attending to confirm that similar additional measures are being taken to reduce the risk of exposure to the virus.

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