01698 230200 info@dgctraining.co.uk


DGC are delighted to announce that we were named finalist at the RTITB awards last week for Outstanding Training Provider and Derek Cunningham our director was a finalist in the Outstanding Instructor Category. What a fantastic achievement and we couldn’t do this...

Racking Inspections – are they mandatory?

YES   Regulation 6 – Inspection (PUWER) 1998 (1) Every employer shall ensure that, where the safety of work equipment depends on the installation conditions, it is inspected: after installation and before being put into service for the first time; or after...

Online courses with IOSH approval

We are delighted to announce that several of our online courses have undergone the required updates to obtain IOSH course approval: these are listed below: Basic Fire Safety Awareness Basic Fire Safety Awareness For Care Homes Fire Extinguisher Display Screen...
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