01698 230200 info@dgctraining.co.uk


Individual Training Accounts will re-open to new applicants on Wednesday 1st July 2020.  Please note that you will not be able to book any training prior to this date, so if interested, please check out the link below from 1st July onwards. Find out more about ITAs at...

Corona Virus Pandemic

  We hope you are keeping safe during this Corona Virus Pandemic. I would like to assure you that DGC Training are continuing with Business as Usual for the time being.  We have implemented the following additional measures to keep our staff and trainees safe:...

Safe Systems of Work

Do you have safe systems of work in place? Do you feel confident that you have measures put in place to keep your operations and people safe? Do you regularly monitor and maintain your health and safety policies? The RTITB have written a blog that outlines how you can...
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